Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Bulldog Standard

In recent times, bulldogs are much more popular as great show dogs. However, they are also known for their sweet-temperament and friendly behavior. Also referred to as English bulldogs or British bulldogs, these dogs owe their names for their gentleness and elegance. In early days, these dogs were largely used as guard dogs. Today's bulldogs are more mild-mannered and moderate compared to their ancestors, however, their fighting instinct still becomes apparent under certain conditions.

The first bulldog standard was recorded in the year 1864 in England, following which it was adopted during 1875. In the year 1890, the Bulldog Club of America was established. Down the line, in the year 1896, a bulldog standard was adopted by this club. In 1914, the standard was revised for rejecting the Dudley nose, while in the year 1976, this definition once again redefined and explained as 'brown colored nose'. Once again in the year 1990, the standard was reformatted while keeping the same words and terminologies.

The standard bulldogs must have a medium-size body covered with smooth coat. Its native land is England. These dogs are marked with their short muzzle over a short-faced head. They are known for their dynamism, persistence and energy. The size of a standard adult bulldog is about 50 pounds, while standard bitch around 40 pounds. If observed from the front end, the eyes of the bulldogs are positioned at the lower portion of the skull area, maintaining a wider distances from the ears.

These dogs have a very friendly, obedient and companionable personality, however, adored for their loyalty and occasional willfulness. Characteristically bulldogs are so attached with family members that they usually do not cross the yard without human companionship. Since these dogs are so warm and friendly, they can mix very well and easily with children. Bulldogs are able to socialize with other dogs as well. Sometimes, their intelligence level is questioned out, but their devotion to their master is simply unfathomable.

Typically bulldogs experience different health complications throughout their lifetime. Breathing issues are mostly common among many bulldogs, occurring as a result of shortness of muzzle. This causes bulldogs to snore. Some bulldogs are at risk for developing interstitial cysts, which occurs in-between the toes. Although this condition is curable with the help of experienced veterinarian, the dog experiences an extensive level of discomfort. Other common health problems are allergies, cherry eyes, and hip-related problems.

A daily cleaning is mandatory for bulldogs in order to keep them away from different infections caused as a result of moisturizer accumulation. By consulting with vet, a regular teeth brushing is also necessary. Like any other breeds, bulldogs need to undergo through exercise schedules. Otherwise, they are at high risk for developing excessive weight, which may, in turn, lead to certain other complicated health problems, such as lung and heart disorders. Cleaning of their tail is also needed.

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