Monday, September 10, 2007

Easy and Cool Resource Options

The Resource Center provides you the platform where you may obtain various useful tips related to business, education, health, technology as well as living. The recent additions in this website are wiki in the business world, teach your child to set and reach goals, college budgeting 101, and grammar tips for business professionals.

Layout of the home page:

I personally do not like the layout of the page. Well, the combination of light green and blue with white base fit well, but the problem lies in using the dissimilar font sizes(12, 10) and font faces (Tahoma, Trebuchet). It doesn't look good from a professional point of view. I do not really understand why the designer has chosen so dissimilar fonts to facilitate into same page layout. Also, if the layout designer choose different icons for representing menu items, relevant with the item itself, it will look better and unique. The mouse over texts on menubutton link are quite helpful but do not meet the aesthetic value.


The overall information level is well up to the mark, especially the articles E-Commerce Developments Over The Last Decade and Wiki in The Business World. Both of them are thoughtfully illustrated and contemporary to century values. Quite informative also.

However, the parenting tips for helping out child, I find little rigid in nature. Being a psychologist, I am afraid whether it will hamper in the development of divergent thinking pattern in a child. Of course, if the suggested methodologies are applied in logical fashion, it will definitely be of help for guiding a child.

Overall Impression:

Even with all these limitations, I find the site looks simple and quite straight to the point. It has what it claims for. I will give it 7 in a 10 point scale.

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