Sunday, December 16, 2007

Female Hair Loss

Hair loss problem is a universal problem and there is possibly no one under the sky who never undergoes through this problem in entire life time. Although hair loss is a common issue that has become an embarrassing problem for unisex, but female hair loss pattern largely differs from male ones. Hair is known as an ideal indicator of one’s optimum health. If you have healthy, shinning, growing hair, it means you have a healthy health as well. So any change in the condition of hair, be it falling than normal or looking dull, should be considered very seriously, because it may function as a warning sign of upcoming physical hazards. So if you are suffering from any unusual amount of hair fall or uneven hair texture, you should not be late to consult with health expert regarding this problem.

Female hair loss pattern is different from male hair loss pattern. It has been categorized mainly under three heads – Androgenetic Alopecia, Alopecia Areata and Telogen Effluvium.
Androgenetic Alopecia

This pattern is considered as the most common in female hair loss. This is also known as female pattern alopecia. Alopecia refers to baldness. But this differs from male baldness. If someone is suffering from alopecia, it doesn’t mean that she is suffering from complete baldness. Alopecia is featured as hair thinning, most prevalently on the top and crown part of the head. The onset of the complication is identified as the shrinking of hair follicles and leading to cause finer hair within a short life span. Gradually, the cells in these areas stop producing hair. This type of female hair loss is actually occurred during hormonal changes such as during pregnancy or post menopause phase. You may also suffer from female pattern alopecia, if you take birth control pills on a regular basis or if you undergo through prolonged stress.

Alopecia Areata

Not as common as Androgenetic Alopecia, but it is identified as a round bald patch initially followed by an inevitable progress of total hair loss in the entire scalp area. The primary cause is identified as autoimmune disorder that may be elicited by several factors like high fever, acute stressors, allergy, bacterial, viral or fungal infection and traumatic experience. However, it is seen that the hair follicles remain alive but non-active for an indistinct period of time. So there is always a possibility to avoid from this type of female hair loss and to enhance follicles for re-growth if proper therapeutic measure is taken on time. In practice, it doesn’t really depend on the reason of hair loss all the time, but you can be free from any sort of female hair loss if the hair follicles are not destroyed.
Telogen Effluvium

This is also referred to as diffuse hair loss. If you are suffering from recent thinning of hair throughout your entire scalp area, it is a high chance that you are susceptible with this type of female hair loss problem. In general, it is triggered by internal health complications such as nutritional deficiencies, hormonal disturbances, elongated and intense experience of stress, chronic illness and others. This type of female hair loss does not necessarily promote a complete baldness and can be cured totally if proper intervention is taken to correct underlying malfunctioning.

However, at the onset of hair loss we may not be as careful as required. Most of the time, we simply underestimate the condition and give it a light and secondary priority. This makes the problem getting worse day by day. Hence, it is highly recommended that if you feel your hair is falling than usual, you must not neglect the condition and take immediate action. The treatment of hair loss largely varies depending on several factors. It may be done with chemical-based medicine or using herbal supplements, depending on preferred health-expert’s advice, individual preference and individual health condition. In the severe case, the treatment may include surgical intervention as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hair loss is a problem that no one seems to want. Hair falling from the scalp is a universally common thing to happen; but the scalp losing out the hair permanently is something quite ungainly. No wonder then, there is a whole world of hair loss treatments out there, each with a diverse approach to resolve the problem.

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