Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Symptoms and Treatment for Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning refers to a condition which mainly arises from consuming an extremely high amount of alcohol. In this condition, the over-absorption of alcohol in the body leads to a severe adverse reaction over the central nervous system accompanied by excessively slow breathing process, heart beat and gag reflex. The condition is intensely critical since it may lead to choking, coma and eventually death.


The first identifiable symptom of alcohol poisoning is characterized by nausea which is followed by vomiting. These symptoms are the warning signs indicating that you are consuming more than your metabolic system can actually handle. Other symptoms of alcohol poisoning include confusion, unconsciousness, absent reflexes, pale-skin, irregular breathing, difficulty staying awake, excessively slow heart beat, seizures, etc.


More than 50,000 cases of alcohol poisoning per year come under treatment in the United States, as reported by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). At least one individual each week dies from alcohol poisoning in the US. A thorough understanding of alcohol poisoning and effective treatment for alcohol poisoning can assist in avoiding a fatal form of alcohol abuse.

The Most Difficult Phase

Sounds unusual, but the most critical aspect of saving someone's life from alcohol poisoning does not facilitate in the hospital emergency room. In fact, no complicated treatment for alcohol poisoning is required at the initial phases. The most difficult task to accomplish while saving life from alcohol poisoning is the decision-making phase.

The fear of persecution, public embarrassment, possible legal upshots, or inadequate knowledge regarding the symptoms of alcohol poisoning may lead to influence the decision-making style adversely, and underestimates the needs for admitting the victim to immediate treatment for alcohol poisoning, hence can turn out to be fatal on time.

Respond Appropriately

If you come across someone drinking heavily and then fall sleep, you must try to wake up the person. If the individual does not respond in an appropriate fashion, you must call police emergency number and ask for help. It is indeed very important to realize that we usually overemphasize on a particular point: since the individual drunk so heavily, he simply 'sleep it off' and after a fresh sleep, he will be fine. This is wrong to assume, especially in the case of overdose.

You must understand that if someone is having alcohol poisoning, he or she may need to go immediate treatment for alcohol poisoning. So getting the individual in the bed is not an appropriate solution for that individual. If you think that the poisoning may possibly combine drugs in addition to alcohol, you should better not to be late calling ambulance and medical personnel in order to initiate the treatment procedure for alcohol and drug poisoning.

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