Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Natural Sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is widely used as an essential dietary supplement. Recent studies have asserted that nearly 40% from elderly populations from the United States depend on regular vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, is also known as ascorbic acid. While a majority of mammals can produce vitamin C within their system, humans and few other animals like birds and chimps are unable to do so. So we need external sources of vitamin C in order to meet the daily requirement. Here, we will discuss few sources of vitamin C. Remember these are not exclusive or limited, however, they contain high amount of vitamin C content.


This is one of great sources of vitamin C. The yummy and vibrant flavor in combination with great healing properties is often overshadowed by its role as a table garnish. Parsley contains both vitamin C and Vitamin A, which means parsley has a potent antioxidant property. Since vitamin C is water-soluble, a regular intake of parsley ensures rendering free radicals from the water-soluble parts of the body. Since vitamin C functions wonderfully as an anti-inflammatory agent, parsley as one of the great sources of vitamin C is really beneficial in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.


Broccoli is an important member of cabbage family and one of the wise sources of vitamin C. In fact, it is one of the highest ranked natural sources of vitamin C, as enlisted in different medical organizations or research institutes. It is extremely powerful in combating against cancer. It contains indole-3-carbinol, which has the property to offer protection against breast cancer and other estrogen related cancer. A wide number of scientific studies have confirmed broccoli has the ability to enhance the detoxification in the body.

Bell Pepper

Bell pepper tastes great and it is one of the wonderful sources of vitamin C. Not only bell pepper tastes great, but the elegant exterior makes it a choice for Christmas vegetable ornaments. This is one of the highest ranked natural sources of vitamin C. It offers strong protection against the formation of free radicals and it reduces the risk of different degenerative diseases including cardiovascular diseases. In addition, bell peppers are useful in promoting optimal health, lung health, better eyesight, offering protection against rheumatoid arthritis, and so on.

These three natural sources of vitamin C discussed here are marked as the highest ranked sources of vitamin C. In fact, all of them are rich in other nutritional contents such as vitamin A, vitamin B, dietary fiber, manganese, potassium and many others. However, there are plenty others. So, make your daily diet rich with fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.

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