Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Dosage of Vitamin C for Eye Protection

In the year 1928, Vitamin C was separated. It is also referred to as ascorbic acid. This is an excellent vitamin which functions like an antioxidant and has the capacity to offer protection to the brain cells and eye cells as well. Since the eye is a sensitive organ, it is highly vulnerable to environmental damage caused by sunlight, pollutants or harmful chemicals. An increasing level of pollution and depletion in the ozone layer heighten the risk of eye damage, especially in the Western Hemisphere,

The Higher, the Better

From the time when Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling eulogized the advantages of excessive dosage of vitamin C, medical community raises the question about the particular intake defining the optimal dosage of vitamin C. Since earlier decades many heath care professionals argue that 60 mg of RDA is sufficient to fulfill the needs of antioxidants and makes the optimal dosage of vitamin C, many contemporary researchers believe that additional vitamin C dosage ensures extra supply of antioxidants.

Ideal Amount

This is one of most controversial answers ever, if you wish to inquire about the ideal dosage of vitamin C. Probably, different healthcare professionals have different opinions. People taking healthy diet rich with fruits and vegetables may not even need additional supplements of vitamin C. However, those not having good diet may need to take 50 to 300 mg dosage of vitamin C once or twice per day. The ideal formulation must include bioflavonoids. Ideal daily dosage of vitamin C offers protection against heart disease, eye health, and other degenerative conditions.

Cancer Prevention

Vitamin C has a significant role in cancer prevention. Research has shown patients intervened with high dosage of vitamin C have longer lifespan than patients without having additional vitamin C dosage. Medical researches conducted during 1970s first emphasized the possibility of treating cancer by implementing high dosage of vitamin C, however many follow researchers raise their doubt against this claim. During 2005, studies have shown lymphoma cells are mostly influenced by vitamin C intervention.

Additionally, various researchers suggest that vitamin C has the capability to boost up the production of hydrogen peroxide, which destroys cancerous cells, while keeping the healthy cells intact. Moreover, vitamin C can successfully slow down the growth of few tumors. The requirement of vitamin C supplements for cancer patients may typically vary between 50mg to 300mg once or twice per day. The content must be rich with bioflavonoids. However, more researches are needed in order to understand the specific role of vitamin C in cancer treatment.

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